2 powerful ways to differentiate yourself when selling

Someone was asking me about an article I wrote in Idealog Magazine a couple of issues back on sales … I think they wanted me to distill the main points, without them having to read it. Fair enough! There were 2 points about how to improve your sales skills, based on my observation in the high tech field, where people

1. sent people to sleep selling them something before they asked what they wanted

2. described what it did (ie: “this in an instrument for driving nails into wood”, not how it could be used “this will get your house built fast and watertight”)

I proposed 2 remedies: to the first one, take a literature class, because it shows you how to master the art of interpreting one thing many was. To the second problem I suggested taking an acting class, because you learn how to get inside the head of not just your customer, but anyone.

These 2 things worked better than any sales training I’ve done, becuase they work with the imagination : what people use when they buy.  (See my article in Idealog Magazine )